Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Obs-r-va-tion 8

Starting from the top, se parece que la mayoría de las hojas se han desintegrado por la cantidad de condensación. Some of the leaves have left a moldy shadow in it's place against the plastic side of the bottle. La tierra está húmeda. The aquatic part of the terrarium looks like it did last week, clear with small debris at the bottom. Todavía se ve la cascara del caracol en el piso, (pero sin el caracol adentro). Un pedazo del cordon que conecta lo de arriba al acuático se ha desintegrado tambien y se puede ver en el piso colocando lo que se parece como molde. Hoy pesa 1,526.7 grams, ha disminuido en peso. La alga ha crecido un poco y se esta enrollando dentro de la botella.

Parece ser que el debrie de los little ones está flotando

The mistery continues... Roots or part of the white string

La cascara del snail

The leafs deteriorating and dejando behind molde

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Observación 7

Desafortunadamente el little fish y el shrimp no pudieron disfrutar de las vacaiones de primavera como nosotros. They kept liquifying and decomposing, pero I know que están en un mejor lugar. On the positive side, las plantas están viviendo la vida loca. No paren the crecer y están dejando some type of green "mold". Look for yourself en las pictures debajo. 

Guess what? We also saw something strange growing en el 1st tier del terrarium. Parece que son raices creeping to the bottom of the rocks. Aunque la vida de los animales no parece ser la mejor en este tier, las plantas siguen viviendo fuertemente y manteniendo el spirit. We did not get a chance to weight our terrarium pero pensamos que el weight va ha decrease un poquito. We wonder how much taller las plantas van a seguir creciendo. 

El "mold" verve raro 

Se estan decomposing :-/

El caracol no disfrutó Spring Break 2015

What's creepin'? Roots or what? 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Observación 6

Today, we have found our plants growing plentiful. New baby leaves are coming out of the top of all of our three plants. Plenty of condensation covering the one half of our terrarium. You can still see the shelling from the beans on the soils surface, so it hasn't decomposed yet. As you make your way towards the bottom where the string connects the water to the soil you can see a white mucus forming around where the string meets the waters surface. The algae is curling around the container and peeking out of the top of the water. On the floor you can see a decomposing fish with white hairs growing out of it. Same phenomenon has happened to the shrimp and the two snails. 

I see a very small snail, probably half of a centimeter sucking the side wall, probably hanging on to dear life in fear of hitting the colored rock floor only to suffer the same fate as the rest of his aquatic family. 

This week we have drawn our terrariums and colored them to catch those details we many not have noticed by simply snapping a picture. 

The recorded  weight for this week is: 1, 542.8 grams



Las planta no paran de crecer...

Lil shrimp liquifying. Aw. 

Funeral services to be determined

Observation 5


Lil fish and lil shrimp-y were found deceased in their natural habitat. This is currently a suspicious death. Homi-fishy-cide detectives are asking anyone with information to contact them.  

"¡Ay, no!" Los pobresitos tal vez no les gusto estar enserrados por tanto tiempo. Maybe they got tired of each other and decided to pelear. ¿Quién sabe? A lo contrario, de plants are growing and growing and growing and growing... and growing. Those colossal plants! 

We have noticed that the dirty is dirtier compared to how it looked at the beginning of the journey. Necesitamos cambiarla... ¿pero cómo? Maybe that's why the little couple died... Shame. Oh well. 

R.I.P Lil Shrimp R.I.P Lil Fish
Late February 2011

El peso de esta semana fue: 1543.1 gramas

Pobre pescadito :-/



From shrimping to drifting 

Necesitan una botella más grande

¡Miralo! Looking all cool