Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Observación 9

April 7, 2015 Terrarium Update 

La primer cose que note, es que ay otras formas de vida presente en el terrario. Veo tres caracoles bebes handing on to dear life on the side walls of the terrarium. There is a big snail who has made it almost to the top of the water in the terrarium. Wait! I see two more snails munching on the algae! Son bien chiquitos pero algún día serán adultos. The string has deteriorated and is resting on the rocky floor. The tip of the string is barely touching the surface of the water. I wonder what will happen to the soil and condensation on the top floor. The plants are steady growing and beginning to hit the ceiling and grow down from the lack of space. Some that have hit the top are turning black.

We are interested in knowing what will happen if we put one whole in the terrarium in the top half of the terrarium. Here is a picture of the hole we made. We predict that the condensation will change because we will then be opening the system. We have placed the terrarium back in the spot where we have always had it in the sun by the window. I wonder what will happen to the weight now that the system is open...

The weight for this week: 1kg 516 grams

El caracol parce ser el lone survivor 

The plantas verdes siguen alimentandose good ya que no paran de crecer 

The bottom of the stem is darker than the top

The algae is greener than ever thanks to H2O

We made a small hole to see what happens to the weight

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